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Privacy Policy

Policy last updated: February 2022

  • The Wycombe Astronomical Society (WAS) is a registered UK charity (No. 297024) serving astronomers who live in South Buckinghamshire and the Chilterns.

    See the About us page for more information.

    This policy explains how, when and why we collect personal information on our web site.

    Periodically we will change this policy so please revisit this page to ensure you are aware of the latest changes.

    By using our web site you agree to this policy.

    If you have any questions regrading the policy please email;

  • We collect your data to help us retrieve statistics about the usage of our web site.

  • If you click the "Continue" button your web browser will create a Analytical Cookie that our web site's analytical software from Editorx and Google (Google Analytics) use to provide us with visitor usage (traffic) to our web site and enable us to optimise the content and the structure of the web site accordingly. 

    Please note, our cookies are not used for advertising or for personalising the site.


    If you don't click the "Continue" button your web browser will not create an Analytical cookie and our analytical software will not be able to record when you visit the site, will treat you as a new visitor and won't be able to provide us with accurate visitor information e.g unique visitors.

    If you do not delete the cookie from your computing device you will see the cookie message again after 30 days


    The cookie expires after 30 minutes or 2 years. 

  • If you  have already accepted cookies on our website and do not want our website to record your visits you can either:

    1. Delete these cookies from your computing device

    2. Configure your browser to not accept cookies

    3. visit our site in  your browser's incognito (private browsing) mode

  • Our website analytical software captures the following information each time you visit the site and makes this information available to us for analysis. 

    • the number of visitors to the site including if they are unique  (based on IP address)

    • where the visitors have come from including; country, directly to the website, from a search engine or another website

    • if visitors have come from  a search engine what search keywords they entered

    • which pages of the site are visited

    • the time and duration of each visit

    • which browser visitors have used e.g. Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari and Firefox

  • Our website analytical software captures the following information each time you visit the site and makes this information available to us for analysis. 

    • what type of computing device e.g Desktop or Mobile visitors have used

    • what keywords visitors have entered on the website's own search functionality 

    • the number of RSS subscribers (based on unique IP addresses subscribing to the feed) 

    • the number of orders made on the website and  which products have been ordered  (see next section, E-commerce, for more details)


    Please note, that we do not use Google Analytics advertising reporting features so we are unable to view the demographic (including gender and

    age) or interest information of visitors to our site logged in with their Google Accounts.

    • The society sometimes offers tickets for sale from the website for society events e.g. Cosmic Kidz (previously on the Squarespace platform).

    • If you place an order on our site we record the order, the products you have purchased, your full name,  billing and delivery address 

    • These details are shared (email or printouts) with the event coordinator/staff to check at the entrance of each event if a visitor has paid in advance via the website.

    • Payment is made via PayPal and stored in the society's PayPal account and accessible to the Society's Treasurer and Web Master.

    ​Click here to read PayPal's privacy policy.

  • Our websites provide links to many websites run by other organisations. We are not responsible for the privacy practices and content of these sites. Please check their privacy policies when using them.

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