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Sandy Giles

Astroimaging Exhibition 2024

17th July 2024

It has to be said that with only a few weeks to go before the actual exhibition, we had major concerns whether we would have sufficient images to justify holding it at all.

But then the Sun came out – and it turned out to be the star of the show!! Pun intended!!

Because on the 8th April there was a Total Solar Eclipse in the USA; Chris Rowland travelled there to observe it and took a superb set of images during his visit. A month later the Sun got very angry indeed and many of our members not only witnessed, but also imaged, Aurora here in the Chilterns.

Altogether about 15 members showed their work on terrestrial subjects, the Moon, the Sun, the Aurora, a few planets, galaxies and nebulae. We even had some success with Astrometry, showing light curves of Algol minima.

All put together with a few poems and a little music, we had a most enjoyable and cultural two hours of viewing and discussions, celebrating the hard work and enthusiasm of our members. This exhibition marked the 10th anniversary of this event and provides encouragement to hold another one next year.

Only can we not leave it to the last minute and get the images in well before the event ..… ???

Click here to see the photos.

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